Video Scriptwriting

Personalizing the Impersonal with a “Slice of Life”

Would you trust your livelihood to a financial advisor you couldn’t shake hands with? That was the challenge Capital One Investing faced with its team of advisors available to clients solely by phone. Early on, adoption was understandably low, so I set out to “humanize” these advisors via a script—and resulting video—to drive higher conversion.

I sketched several concepts with my Creative Director and we landed on an approach that highlighted each advisor’s background and personal details to create authenticity. This video is the end result.

My first steps: draft interview questions and have conversations with these finance pros. During the conversations, I noted interesting anecdotes, studied speech patterns and idiosyncrasies, and got a real sense of their personalities. Then I distilled it all into a script. Honed interviewing skills + pharma materials experience = rich patient profiles, moving testimonials, and compliant content that brings much-needed optimism and clarity to the healthcare world.

Next, we partnered with a videographer and shot scenes in advisors’ homes and office spaces, capturing elements of the moving, endearing details they’d shared with me. During filming, I worked with each advisor to sync my dialogue with their sensibility, so the footage rang true.


Capital One Commercial Concepts


Corporate Communications